eBook: Seize the Everything-as-a-Service Opportunity

The XaaS market has a predicted growth of $180bn in 2021 to $680bn in 2027*

With such a huge opportunity, organizations of all sizes across the globe are beginning to transform their business model. The benefits are clear. Read on to learn how you can transform your business to seize the everything-as-a-service opportunity.

Take an interactive journey through our XaaS eBook, including success stories from amazing customers, videos that will help put everything in context, helpful infographics, and more.

Key Topics:

  • The advent of the XaaS economy
  • Technology in Evolution
  • Four Fundamental Trends of Ecosystems
  • A Blueprint for the Future
  • Digital transformation is extremely complex… until it’s not
  • Cut through complexity with CloudBlue SaaS

*Source: Research and Markets

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