B2B Data Providers

B2B Data Providers

B2B data providers are companies that specialize in collecting, aggregating, and selling business-related data to other companies. They may collect data from a variety of sources, such as public records, social media, web scraping, and proprietary databases. The data they provide can include information on companies, such as their size, location, industry, and revenue, as well as information on individuals, such as their job titles and contact information.

B2B data providers are important to SaaS companies because they can help them to identify and target potential customers more effectively. By using data providers’ services, SaaS companies can gain insights into the needs and preferences of their target audience, and use this information to create more effective marketing campaigns and sales strategies.

A SaaS company that provides marketing automation software might use a B2B data provider to identify companies in a particular industry that have recently hired a new marketing manager. They could then use this information to target those companies with personalized marketing messages that highlight the benefits of their software for marketing managers.

B2B data providers can also help companies to improve their sales and marketing processes by providing data on customer behavior and preferences that can be used to optimize pricing strategies, improve customer retention, and increase customer lifetime value.


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Subscription & Billing

Simplify and automate the complex end-to-end ordering process.


Catalog Management

Create detailed product offers with attractive solutions bundles.


Reseller Management

Grow your channel with complete management of your n-tier resellers.


Hyperscaler Marketplaces

Publish products on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud platform.


Ecosystem Marketplace

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